Should I write a book to help atheists see that God is real?

Pastor Chris,

I have recently thought about writing a book to help Atheists see that God iS real. To do this I have studied quantum mechanics and scientific theories about how the universe began. One theory is multiverse theory (multiple universes theory). I find this possible and i think that it can go with Christianity. I believe it is possible that God created heaven, hell, and earTh in three different universes. I am a lutheran christian and in no way want to blasmephy the spirit. So before i write this book for them i want to make sure that this is in no way against the LORd. I just want atheists to see that god And science do not have to go against eAch other.



God is definitely real. It is a good thing to present evidences for Christianity to non-believers and to those who call themselves atheists. Just remember that God is the One who opens the eyes of the blind and the spiritually blind. He must convince non-believers through the working of His Spirit in their lives John 16:7-15). Our job is to bear witness to Him. I would urge you to include scripture in your arguments. God’s word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). A classic book on defending the authenticity of Christianity is The New Evidence That Demands A Verdict Fully Updated To Answer The Questions Challenging Christians Today.

Pastor Chris

I had a dream about death, what is your opinion?

I have been recently for a long time in my kids had dreams of death. Maybe because I have been sick all of my life. But recently I felt that God told me that he did not send me into the world for a long time. I Feel that this is what The Lord is telling me, I have been suffering all my lIfe with illnesses and I feel God is trying to show me to get ready for I am soon gonna be with him and he will end my suffering. I would like to ask your opinion on my revelation?



When you consider eternity, this life is less than a blip on a radar screen for all of us. Therefore we all should be prepared to die.

As to your dreams, be careful. Dreams and impressions do not always speak the truth. The best information on this subject that I have found is in James Dobson’s book titled Emotions: Can You Trust Them?: The Best-Selling Guide to Understanding and Managing Your Feelings of Anger, Guilt, Self-Awareness and Love I encourage you to read this book It is easily read and will help your perspective on the subject of impressions.

Pastor Chris

Am I allowed to read the Bible?

i have been told by my husband (we’re separated at this time) that because i am not saved, i am not allowed to read the bible and if i do read the bible it has to be kjv as that is the correct version to read.

in 1996, when i was 16, i was baptized and saved. but i don’t consider it being saved because my youth minister at that time came to me and stated that my mother would love to see me be saved. i really didn’t feel ready then but i went a head and did it anyways. i did feel better afterwards though. that great feeling one gets when the spirit touches them.

now today my husband is telling me that if i move back in i have to read from a kjv bible (problem is i can’t comperhend the kjv bible but can the niv and nkjv) he also stated that we would attend church. i have nothing against church but every one i have been to in my area i never felt good about and i feel i should go to a church that i feel good about not of what he (husband) wants.

my husband also tells me that because i read the bible and have not been saved that i am playing god and the church.

i haven’t stepped into a church for over a year and reason being is that i don’t feel that movement in that church. that spirit. another reason is that i have an anxiety disorder and it is hard for me to go places without having an attack.

i am confused on all of this. am i allowed to read the bible even though I don’t attend church and haven’t been saved since 96?

i also have been told by my husband that i am not allowed to talk to god because i am not saved and because of my sins. i feel that he is wrong. i talk to god all the time. i pray. i don’t think god would turn his back on that. or am i wrong?

and what version of the bible should i read from? my husband states that kjv is the only one i should read from and that all the other bibles are false.



The Bible was written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. Every translation is exactly that, a translation. A translator or a translation team seeks to take the words of one language and put them into the words of another language.

The King James Version is a good translation. The problem is that English has changed. We speak and write English differently than the translators of the KJV in the year 1611. It is good to read modern translations of the Bible and compare them to each other and to the King James version. I have several versions of the Bible in my study and read from all of them.

As to your comments about salvation, I refer you to the search feature of the Ask Pastor Chris website. Type in the word salvation and some articles I have written on that subject will come up for you to read and consider.

As to reading the Bible, YES, read it! The Bible is God’s word and He uses it in our lives. God’s promise is that His word will not return to Him “void” KJV or “empty” NIV (Isaiah 55:11). The complete verse reads, “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it” (NIV).

The Bible tells us that the church is the body of Christ. Just as a human body will not function at its best without all of its parts, so the church does not function at its best without all of its parts (1 Corinthians 12). We are also encouraged to not give up “…meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:25, NIV).

Prayer is a privilege. When we pray we are share our heart with the Creator of the universe and He shares His heart with us! Prayer is like a conversation. Any good conversation requires listening and speaking. When we pray we reach out to God and we find that He is reaching back to us. YES, pray!

I want to encourage you and your husband to meet with a pastor or a Christian counselor for additional support as you face these issues. Focus on the Family is a reputable ministry you can contact to secure referrals for trustworthy biblical counselors in your area.

Further, I recommend these books for you and your husband:
Straight Talk to Men and Their Wives; What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women

What Wives Wish Their Husbands Knew About Women

What Husbands Wish Their Wives Knew About Men

God bless you!

Pastor Chris

I have some tough questions about my faith that have brought me anxiety and sadness

Hi, My name is Eric, I am 19. I have been a Christian for 3 years now and just recently I have started asking my self some very tough questions which in turn has left me very doubtful of my faith and left me often times in despair. Such as couldn’t God have saved us another way, why is there evil, did God create evil. These question have left me paralyzed and in despair. I question my faith, and that leads to anxiety and deep sadness. I don’t want to fall into indifference and give up. I even wonder if I am even elect because I am even asking these questions. I fear that through these thoughts I may lose my faith completely but I keep asking for grace and understanding. I don’t expect these questions to be answered but it would be nice to know if anyone else has gone through this and what I should do to get through this. Is it wrong to ask these questions? It has produced tons of apathy in my spiritual life…

~ Eric



Yes, others have asked similar questions, myself included. One of those questioners was John the Baptist. You will remember that John the Baptist had the assignment of preparing the way for the Messiah. He was busy doing that when he got thrown into prison because he spoke out against King Herod who had taken his brother’s wife and married her (Mark 6:17-18). You can readily see how difficult prison life would be for anyone, especially someone like John who was an outdoors-man. He preached in the open air and baptized people in the Jordan River. John ate locusts and wild honey (Mark 1:6).

Matthew records John sending his followers to Jesus to ask him, “Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?” (Matthew 11:3, NIV). This question was put to Jesus while John was in Herod’s dungeon. It must have been a dismal time for John. He wasn’t where he wanted to be and he wasn’t doing what he felt he was called to do. Negative thoughts no doubt plagued him. John, like all of us, had to battle the flesh, the devil, and the world. His incarceration made those battles all the more difficult.

So, what did John do? He took his doubt to Jesus. He went ahead and asked the question burning in his mind. In the process John also asked the right person, Jesus Himself, and Jesus answered him (Matthew 11:2-5).

For you and me, Jesus is still the right person to ask for answers. He gives us answers to life’s questions in the text of the Bible. The Bible is “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore, we prepare our hearts and minds for Jesus’ answers by gaining a thorough understanding of the scriptures. So, prayerfully read the Bible. Ask the holy Spirit to illumine its words to your heart and mind (John 16:13-14).

As to your question concerning salvation, remember that God is holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). Since all of us are unholy (Romans 3:23) and cannot make ourselves holy, we need help because “without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14b). God solved this problem at the cross. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21, NIV). “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8, NIV). When we place our trust in Christ alone for salvation, His righteousness is transferred to us and we become children of God (John 1:12). “…if Christ is in you…your spirit is alive because of righteousness” (Romans 8:10, NIV). We are justified (made right before God) by faith in Christ. This salvation is available to everyone (John 3:16).

As to your question about evil, God did not create it. Lucifer chose to rebel against God, which is sin. Lucifer then became Satan and tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve listened to Satan who was disguised as a serpent. They chose to disobey God and sin entered this world.

God did not create evil, but He does permit it…for a time. It will not always be so. Evil will be put away forever in eternity (Revelation 20:10; 21:3-4; 22:14-15). The triumph of Jesus at the cross reveals God’s love and justice. God’s love for us was on full display as Jesus laid down His life for us and sin was judged.

What an amazing God! What an amazing plan! And now, “to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ!” (Romans 16:27, NIV).

~ Pastor Chris

Why did God lie to me? What plan does He have for my life?

Pastor Chris,

Genesis 2:18
Ephesians 5:31
Psalm 20:4
James 1:4

All of these verses prove that as i have survived two wars, eight tornados, and two hurricanes i should be happily married as i was patient, waited my turn, and ask god, so why am i stuck living with my parents single 23 years old and unable to find a job. does god hate me? Does he know where i’ve been? Does he care? I never wanted money or fame or glory or medals. i just want a wife who can understand i had to do bad things to bad people. So why did God lie to me, what plan does he have for my life, and who will except me for the monster i had to become?



One of the most difficult things to do is wait on God. We want to know why we are waiting and how long will we have to wait. I have asked those questions, too. You will want to get Larry Richards’ book When It Hurts Too Much to Wait: Understanding God’s Timing for a thorough discussion of this subject.

For now let me remind you of a few things:
God values faith (Hebrews 11:6). We please Him when we trust Him.
God is our Creator and He loves us perfectly (Genesis 1-2; John 3:16).
Offering ourselves to God without reservation is a prerequisite to knowing His will (Romans 12:1-2).
God does not lie (Titus 1:2).
Satisfaction in life is all about knowing God and doing His will. Solomon wrote the book of Ecclesiastes after he had tried to find fulfillment in education, work, wealth, multiple wives, substance abuse, and various entertainments. He called these efforts “chasing after the wind”. At the end of the book he writes, “Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” (Ecclesiastes 12:13, NIV).

Well known psychologist and author Larry Crabb says it this way, “Whenever we place a higher priority on solving our problems than on pursuing God, we are immoral.” Put your eyes on Jesus and keep them there. He is trustworthy. He knows what He is doing and why He is doing it. Live for His glory not your own comfort. If you keep your eyes on your troubles you will fall into despair. Look beyond the circumstances. God is fashioning you into the image of His Son (Romans 8:29).

Should I separate from my partner when she is pregnant?

Hello Pastor Chris, I’m a born again christian, I’m staying with a partner whom we’re not officially married for 2 years now and she’s pregnant. But feel like I made a wrong decision to be staying with her. My question is;Will it be wrong if we may separate and let the Lord guide me to the right person marry? Please pastor I need your help.

~ John



You have several responsibilities here. I want to encourage you to step up and show the world what a follower of Jesus does during difficult times.

1. You have a responsibility to the woman you have been living with. To run off and leave her with a child is cowardly and cruel. She deserves better than that.

2. You have a responsibility to the child. How will that baby learn about and accept the God who is love if his earthly father doesn’t love him enough to raise him? A child needs spiritual training coupled with a secure, loving environment (Proverbs 22:6).

3. You have a responsibility to society. There are far too many children on the streets, far too many growing up in poverty, far too many getting their perspective on life from someone other than a godly father.

4. You have a responsibility to God. The Bible teaches that God opens and closes a woman’s womb (1 Samuel 1:5-6). In other words God is the One who creates life (Psalm 139:13). God created this baby. Will you abandon the child that God has given you? “A man’s ways are in full view of the LORD, and he examines all his paths” (Proverbs 5:21, NIV).

5. You have a responsibility to yourself. What kind of man will you be? A godly man that steps up and shoulders his responsibility? Or a worldly man that lives only for himself?

Ask God to help you. You will do well to memorize Philippians 4:13, 19 and repeat them out loud every day.

Be a godly man. Do the right thing for this woman and this child. It is your responsibility.

~ Pastor Chris

What should we do when a gay friend wants to join us at church?



A friend of mine who is gay asked if she and her friend can go to church with me and my husband this sunday, my husband is hesitant, what should we do?


~ Cathy








What are her motives? Is your friend genuinely interested in spiritual matters? Is she honestly interested in Christ? Or is she looking to make a scene? Is she seeking to try to justify her lifestyle? Is your church family spiritually mature enough to “love the sinner and hate the sin?”


Ask your pastor about this before proceeding in either direction. He needs to have time to prepare himself and the church leadership because this kind of thing is a spiritual battle (Hebrews 13:17; Ephesians 6:10-12) . The enemy has deceived these two young women and will use them to divide the church if possible. One pastor I heard about told a homosexual couple that they were welcome to attend but that he was not going to change the message of the Bible or permit them to teach or have a place of leadership in the church. I do not know if they decided to attend that church or not. Be upfront with the two young women and be upfront with your church leadership.


I remind you that Jesus was called a friend of sinners (Matthew 11:19). Several of His disciples were social misfits. Many of the church members at Corinth came out of immoral lifestyles.


I pray that your church will find a way to minister to these two young women and help them find the Savior who is the only one who can meet their deepest needs for forgiveness, genuine love, and authentic relationship. Jesus wants to heal their hurting souls.


Pastor Chris

How do we know that we are responding according to God’s word?

Dear Pastor,


I have a question. We live life with a purpose. When we are face with a difficult situation, how do we know that we are responding according to God’s word?

Thank You in advance.












Difficult decisions are just exactly that…difficult. To know if you are responding according to God’s word you will do well to take a concordance, find every biblical reference pertaining to the situation you are concerned about, and study those verses. Think about them. Dwell with them. Saturate your mind and heart with them. Read them in context. Ask the Holy Spirit to interpret them for you by illuminating your understanding (John 14:26; 16:13-15). I recommend speaking with others only after doing your own biblical research. Watch out for your emotions. They can cloud your judgment.


If you decide to seek advice from someone, choose a person who is biblically mature and known for wisdom; someone who has nothing to gain by your decision. After all of that, ask yourself what Jesus would do and obey His prompting.


For a more detailed answer to this important question see Decision Making by the Book: Decision Making by the Book: How to Choose Wisely in an Age of Options


~ Pastor Chris

How do you answer someone who thinks Christianity is narrow minded?

Pastor Chris,


What do you feel would be the best answer when someone says, so if someone doesn’t believe the way you do they cannot reach Heaven? Don’t you think that is narrow minded?


I said because I believe in God’s Whole word, the Bible. It is not inspired or written by man but by the Holy Spirit thru Man and because of life changes visible by us.


I could not get the man I spoke with to believe that. He does not have much faith but likes the Muslims.


~ Blake








You have answered well…


You might also take your friend to John 14:6 where Jesus says that He is the only way to heaven. Either Jesus is the Lord, a liar, or a lunatic.


We can easily rule out lunatic. Lunatics do not behave the way Jesus did.


We can rule out liar because the people who heard Him (friends and enemies) never did accuse Him of lying. He Himself claimed to be the truth (again, John 14:6). Liars inevitably get caught in their lies (they get found out).


That leaves us with the question of whether or not Jesus is the Lord. His miracles attest to that fact, especially His own resurrection from the dead. The changed lives of the disciples are another evidence of Jesus’ Lordship. They ran away when Jesus was betrayed in the garden. They thought His death was permanent and went into hiding out of fear. Then, after Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples were bold announcers of the Gospel message. They fearlessly told others about Jesus’ resurrection even when it cost them their lives. Rarely, if ever, will people die for that which they know to be a lie.


It is not narrow minded to believe what Jesus has declared. It is rational. Jesus is the only way to God.


The presence of evil is an important consideration in this discussion. Evil seeks to distort the truth. Satan and his demons are busy deceiving the world concerning the truth of the God of the Bible and His Son, Jesus (1 Cor. 10:20; 1 Tim. 4:1; Rev. 9:20). Since there is only one way to heaven it makes sense that the enemy of our souls will try to keep us from finding it.


~ Pastor Chris