WHY does God allow children to get sick/die?

Hi Pastor Chris!!

WHY does God allow children to get sick/die?








There are consequences to sin. When Adam and Eve disobeyed God, He cursed the earth (Genesis 3). We can trace all of our problems to that one act of disobedience.


Adam and Eve could have lived forever on this planet. God told Adam that he would “surely die” if he ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:17). When Adam ate from the forbidden tree sin and death entered this world and was passed down to us.


The rest of the story is this: God loves us and will re-create creation (Romans 8:18-21; Revelation 21:1-5). This life is not the entire story.

We also believe that children who die before the age of accountability are taken to heaven to be with the Lord. Case in point: King David is spoken of as “a man after God’s own heart.” He had a child that died. David said, “I will go to him, but he will not return to me” (2 Samuel 12:23). We cannot say exactly when the age of accountability is. It has to do with a child’s understanding of sin and his or her need of forgiveness for that sin. It also has to do with a child realizing that Jesus’ death is the payment for that sin. He or she then receives Christ as Savior. When a child knows these things then he or she is accountable for them. It has been said, “A child who is old enough to sin knowingly is old enough to believe savingly.” Willful sin is the issue.

One other thing, we also know that God will do the right thing whenever a child dies. God can be trusted in these matters. He is sovereign. His thoughts are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9).


Keep digging! I love it when I find someone who is asking questions and searching for the mind of Christ!




Pastor Chris



Pastor Chris,



~ H.B.





Dear H.B.,


Yes, the Shemites were present at the time of the Tower of Babel. The story of the tower is recorded in Genesis 11. The tower was built after the flood. Shem and his descendants are listed in Genesis 10:21-31.


Pastor Chris

Can you explain free will and the age of accountability?

Hi Pastor Chris, 

We have a small group that meets once a month and we are studying Job. In our discussion came up the following questions:

Is there an age of innocence/accountability (with our understanding that it is around age 7) with kids? Is that biblical?

If a child dies before age 7 (which seems to be what people say is the end of age of innocence and they can make their own decision for Christ) do they automatically go to heaven? 

Where does free will come into play?

What of the Muslim/Jewish, etc. child who has never heard of Jesus? What of them? 

Of course all of the women in this group are moms so this one is very dear to our searching hearts.

Thanks in advance for taking the time to answer these.


In Christ, 








Wow! You and your group are really digging! Great questions! 

I believe that the age of accountability is not fixed at a certain year. Children mature at different rates. This is true even within the same family. The Jews set a chronological age for the age of accountability, but I disagree. For instance, I have met children as old as 10 or 11 that could not tell me what sin is. I remember two girls in a previous pastorate that were 10 and 11 and they had no clue about right and wrong. I have also met children who had a finely tuned sense of right and wrong as early as 4 or 5. No doubt environment plays an important part here. My rule of thumb is this: if a child is old enough to sin knowingly that child is old enough to believe savingly.

Remember, when Adam and Eve sinned it was a deliberate act of disobedience. God had given them clear instructions and they understood them. They chose to disobey God. 

I always ask a child about sin. I ask them what sin is. That is quite revealing. Then, if they know what sin is, I ask the child if he or she has ever sinned. That is quite revealing, too. If a child admits to having sinned, I ask the child how he or she felt when the sin was done. If they have gotten to this point they will usually tell me that they felt bad when they sinned. If they do not say that they feel bad about the sin, then I know that they are still innocent because that Holy Spirit will make them feel bad about the sin. If they do not feel bad then the Holy Spirit has not yet convicted them and therefore they are innocent. 

Yes, I believe that a child who dies innocently will go to heaven. Such a one has not committed a willful sin. Willful sin is the issue here. All children do childish things. Childishness is not sin. It is when a child deliberately does something that he or she knows is wrong that sin happens. When a child sins deliberately, knowingly, he or she is then accountable. 

When King David had a child that died he said, “I will go to him, but he will not return to me” (2 Samuel 12:23). King David was a believer. We know that David went to heaven after he died. Therefore, the child went to heaven before David. 

As to free will, the same parameters come into play. A child is not accountable for having a free will until he or she knowingly, deliberately, chooses to sin. Ps. 19:13, “Keep your servant also from willful sins; may they not rule over me. Then will I be blameless, innocent of great transgression.”

As to Moslem children (or Hindu, Buddhist, etc.), the same parameters apply. If they are truly innocent (as defined above) and they die, they will go to be with the Lord. If they sin willfully then they are accountable to God the same as anyone else. Many years ago Billy Graham wrote a book titled How to be Born Again. In that book is a story of a man that came to one of Billy’s crusades from far out in the country. (If I remember right it was India.) This man hiked something like 50 miles to attend the crusade. He accepted Christ. He said that he always knew that there was something more. He was never satisfied worshiping trees or his ancestors. The Holy Spirit was at work in his life drawing him to Christ.

God puts a divine spark in every person. He also puts an empty place in every person that only He can fill. Part of the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to work in the world to empower our witness for Christ. Here is how Jesus spoke of the ministry of the Holy Spirit in John 16:7-8, “It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you. 8 When he comes, he will convict the world of guilta in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment.” The Holy Spirit is called the Counselor in those verses.

I hope these thoughts are helpful to you. They questions you raise are important. Remember, God is full of mercy and grace. He will always do what is right in these cases. He is also omniscient (all-knowing). He knows ahead of time who will respond to Him and who will not. There is mystery here. One thing is for sure, we can trust Him!




Pastor Chris

Will Jesus forgive us for having an abortion?

Will my wife and I goto hell for getting an abortion and when Jesus forgive us? We just had one baby and she 6 months she is very sweet and beautiful couldn’t ask for a better baby. The reason we got the abortion is bc we short on money and we want to keep our 6 month old with the little this we get.

~ Vern






Abortion is murder and is therefore sin. However, it is not the unpardonable sin. Jesus said that there is only one sin that will never be forgiven and that sin is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Mark 3:28-30).


Jesus will forgive you if you sincerely ask Him to do so. His death on the cross paid the price for our sin.


So, what are you to do? You and your wife must come before God in true contrition and repentance. That is what King David did after he sinned. Psalm 51 records David’s prayer of confession to God. Open your Bible to that psalm and allow its words to help you express your hearts to God. Follow that time of prayer by reading 1 John 1:9.


Jesus exhorted the woman caught in adultery with these words, “Then neither do I condemn you…Go now and leave your life of sin” (John 8:11, NIV). Follow Jesus and talk to Him before making your decisions.


I want to encourage you to get the book Abortion: Abortion: A Rational Look at An Emotional Issue. The book contains an excellent discussion of all sides of the abortion issue.

How can I choose a church?



I am a born again Christian but my problem is I don’t go to church, I do everything that God requires us to do. I study the word of God at home and very prayerful and even preach to others, but I have a weakness of not going to church, how do I overcome such a weakness.






1 Corinthians 12:27, NIV, reads, “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” Just as a body needs all of its parts to function properly, so the church needs all of its parts to function at its best (see 1 Corinthians 12). In other words, you need the church and the church needs you.


An excellent book for you is Church: Why Bother?.


I married a man who is already married. Is this right?

I married a man who was already married. I have been living as his wife. What does the bible say about this and is it right?






The biblical plan is one man and one woman united in marriage for life. God initiated this when He placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God did not create Adam and then give him multiple wives (Genesis 2:18-25). God created Adam and then gave him one woman to be his wife.


You were married under false pretenses and are therefore free to have the marriage legally annulled. You have not sinned. You married him in good faith. You can leave this false marriage with a clean conscience. Please consult a Christian attorney to work with you to settle the legal aspects of your situation.


~ Pastor Chris

Is it safe to confront a spiritual presence?

Pastor Chris,


I have always gotten the most powerful Devine sensations When I think about God. I also tend to get them when I hear stories of near death experiences both good and bad. It’s like a wierd tingling sensation that feels good but I am soon bursting forth with tears and emotions that are indescribable. It is most certainly a presence that is coming closer to me. At times lights will flicker or loud cracks will imitate from furniture. I then get fearful and worried I am opening myself up for evil presences and stop the thoughts immediately. If I pray is it safe to fully confront this presence? It feels like it is healing me but I only allow it to go on for a short amount of time because I am fearful. If you Have any idea wHat This could be I would be very greatful. I have never told anybody else aBout This. Today my mom told me a story about her friend who is battlinG cancer that triggered it. He was being treated for cancer and flatlined. He says the dEvil appeared in the corner oF the room with a well between Them and as it Ran towarDs him he was revived. Thinking about stories like this one and positive near death experiences physically do something to me. Is this Normal and what is happening to me during these times. Thanks for any advice in advance.


~ Anthony







As you have discovered, the spiritual world is real. In answer to your questions please note these things:


1. Jesus will not give you a spiritual experience that will contradict the Bible (Isaiah 40:8; Hebrews 4:12). Remember, Jesus is the

Word of God made flesh (John 1:1-2, 14). The Bible is God-breathed (2 Timothy 3:16-17). Be sure to test any supernatural

experience by the Word of God.

2. Jesus’ miracles were signs that pointed to His deity (John 2:11; 4:54; 6:14). They met needs and led people to put their faith in


3. The enemy can work counterfeit miracles (Exodus 7:11-12; 2 Thessalonians 2:9; Revelation 13:13-14).

4. When a person becomes a child of God, that relationship is forever (John 1:12-13; 3:16; 5:24; 10:27-30). Therefore we do not need

to worry or fear (Matthew 6:25-34).


The enemy will try to use fear to intimidate God’s children, therefore making us ineffective in our witness and our service. He knows that when we are afraid we are not walking by faith. You are in a spiritual war. Be sure to put on the armor of God and use the weapons of God (Ephesians6:10-18).


Jesus often spoke about fear (Matthew 28:10; Mark 4:40; Luke 8:50; John 14:27, etc.). He called people to follow Him and trust Him. We do not need to fear when Jesus is near (Matthew 14:25-33). Faith is the cure for fear (Matthew 14:31) and faith comes through hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17).


When fear hits, the right thing to do is call out to Jesus. That is what Peter did when he started walking on the water, saw the wind, got afraid, and started sinking. In response the Bible says, “Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him” (Matthew 14:31, NIV). James tells us to submit to God first; then “resist the devil and he will flee from you” (James 4:7).


For additional study on the subject of fear I recommend these two books:

Let it Go!: Breaking Free From Fear and Anxiety (Tony Evans Speaks Out Booklet Series)

From Fear to Faith: Studies in the Book of Habakkuk


~ Pastor Chris

How do I become saved and know for sure I'm saved?



Pastor Chris,

How do I become saved and know for sure I’m saved?

~ Sabrina





Jesus said that we must be born again (John 3:3). There is a physical birth and there is a spiritual birth when we receive Jesus as our Savior. John 1:12-13, NIV says, “to all who received him (Jesus), to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.” We are born of the Spirit the instant we place our trust in Jesus alone for salvation.

How do we know that we are saved? Read the book of 1 John. It was written to give believers assurance of their salvation. Several additional thoughts come to mind.

Look for the fruit of the Spirit in your life (Galatians 5:22-23). You cannot produce fruit on your own. This is the Holy Spirit’s work and is therefore an evidence that you belong to Him.

Trust what God says. Your emotions can lie to you. Satan will lie to you. Believe the Bible and hold on to what it says. The Bible says that if you trust Christ you are saved and that God will never let go of you (John 3:16-18; 3:36; 5:24; 10:27-29).

Just as you cannot become unborn physically after you have been born; so you cannot become unborn spiritually after you have been Spirit-born.

See also 1 Peter 1:3-9 and Romans 8:16.

God bless you as you follow Jesus! Stay close to Jesus and remain in His Word. Jesus said that the words of God are food for us (Matthew 4:4). We need them to be spiritually strong and secure.

~ Pastor Chris

How do you maintain your faith?



Pastor Chris,

How do you maintain your faith? I ask god for answered prayer for a need not a want. It never seems to happen. That’s what i struggle with. How do I maintain faith whiLe waiting for a prayer that never seems to get answered? I lose faIth in the process. I know that the lord is not a Jeannie in a bottle. I know about his timiNg. It’s faith during the process I struggle with.

~ Dan






The Bible says, “faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17, NIV). The New King James Version puts it this way, “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” The New American Standard reads, “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.” The English Standard Version translates it this way, “faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”

I struggle with faith when I neglect the Bible. The teachings of the Bible and the stories within its pages ignite my faith.

For instance, the story of Hannah is a story about delayed answer to prayer. Hannah wanted a baby. Barrenness was a social stigma for a woman in the Old Testament days. The Bible says that God closed her womb and that “her rival kept provoking her in order to irritate her. This went on year after year” (1 Samuel 1:6-7, NIV). Hannah’s burden must have been heavy and she prayed fervently for a child. 1 Samuel 1:20, NIV, tells us that “the LORD remembered her. So in the course of time Hannah conceived and gave birth to a son.” My faith is strengthened when I read this. I realize that God is listening to my prayers and that He acts according to His timing which is always right.

Another example on the same theme is Daniel. In Daniel 10:12-14 we learn that an answer to his prayer was delayed twenty-one days. Again, reading the Bible gives me perspective and increases my faith. I learn from Daniel that sometimes I have to wait for answers.

God does not tell us when an answer to prayer will be coming. It may come soon. It may come after a period of waiting. The finest book I have read on this subject is When It Hurts Too Much to Wait: Understanding God’s Timing by Larry Richards. I highly recommend it.

Stay in the Word. Read it. Think about it. Dwell on it. Soak in it. Your faith will increase. 

~ Pastor Chris

Is it wrong to leave home?



Pastor Chris,

I am 18 and want to know if it wrong to leave home to get away from conflict my mom told me if i leave home a curse will follow me i must stay home until marriage is it true?

~ Delicia





There are cultural expectations that are different all around the world. Some cultures release their children to leave home earlier than others. There may be a cultural element to your mother’s feelings.

That being said, it is the natural order of things for children to grow up, mature, and provide for themselves. A parent’s job is to prepare their children for this. The Bible says it this way, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6, NIV). The parents are to train their children and the children are to listen to their parents and learn from them.

My questions to you are these: Have you learned how to make responsible decisions? Can you provide for yourself? Will you be safe in the place you want to live? Are you easily influenced by others? Do you want to leave simply because you are angry with your parents? Do you want to leave because you feel pressure from friends to do so? If your answer to any of these questions is “No” then I would urge you to wait. The Bible says, “The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty” (Proverbs 21:5, NIV). You will do well to approach this problem with care and patience. A quick decision without planning could cause trouble for you.

Keep your relationship with your parents vibrant and healthy. Discuss this situation with them. Come to them humbly, seeking their wisdom. Ask them to explain the reasons for their advice. Work with them to find a solution that is agreeable to them and to you. Remember, your parents love you and want the best for you.

~ Pastor Chris